How to upgrade your home office experience


Many people will be revisiting the design of their home offices this summer. Working from home has gained popularity during the last decade as technology has improved, but the Covid-19 pandemic has propelled many of us into often dusty, junk-filled rooms that might have become a bit unloved. Creating a home office has been a common home-improvement project during lockdown.

Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to create a comfortable, functional office at home that has all the comforts that an office might offer. Indeed, today’s office workspaces are starting to look more like home as the line between the two blurs. We’ve pulled together a few ideas and trends that our clients are using to create the ultimate home office.

See the light

One of the distinct benefits of working in a home office versus a large office is access to natural light and fresh air. Businesses spend a fortune trying to bring the elements to their staff but this is far easier to achieve at home.

A study by Cornell University Professor Alan Hedge found that natural light reduces headaches and eyestrain by 84%. So first of all, consider the obvious solution and place your desk near a window. Keep wall colours light and neutral and consider using a mirror opposite a window to maximise light.

Where natural light isn’t so easy to come by, make sure you choose an adequate combination of ceiling lights and lamps. For more detail on the types of lighting you could use, have a read of this blog from The Lightbulb Company about best practices for lighting your home.

Get the tech right

Online meetings and conferences have very quickly become the norm, but it can be extremely frustrating to get ready for that call and be let down by equipment at the last moment. Of course, fast broadband is an absolute must, but certain gadgets go a long way toward creating a seamless working from home experience.

Though you may be working from a laptop, investing in a suitable monitor and speakers will do wonders for comfort. Take the setup a step further by wall mounting your monitor to free up desk space and purchase a suitable laptop stand to convert it into a valuable extra screen. Make sure you have external USB ports and wireless keyboard and mouse to complete the setup. Now is also the time to invest in excellent headphones if you are sharing your home with others during working hours.   

For more inspiration, read this article from on the best tech gadgets to boost your home office experience.

It’s all in the chair

Grabbing a kitchen chair really doesn’t cut it for day in, day out working from home. If purchasing a suitable office chair has not yet got to the top of your to do list, it’s worth considering the impact a decent perch will have on your productivity.

Some shops and suppliers will provide useful guides for how to pick the right chair for you, depending on size, activity and time spent in the chair. Have a look at this guide from John Lewis for a starting point.

Or, consider throwing the chair out of the window entirely. There are some excellent standing desks on the market that offer flexibility if you’re not ready to ditch sitting entirely.